As the travel and tourism industry continues to break records and move torward a full recovery, there remains a global spirit of community and collaboration emphasizing that "we are all in this together" as we continue to work to ensure that travel and tourism becomes a good steward for all communities, cultures and our climate.
CHEA is committed to addressing disparities and economic inequalities to ensure a more leveled playing field and to create equitable opportunities for underrepresented small, minority tourism-related businesses as well as students from underserved rural and urban neighborhoods/communities in destinations.
We look forward to partnering with destination marketing organizations, governments, travel brands, educational institutions, community organizations and corporations to provide tourism development programs to support broader inclusion of local community assets and accessible travel opportunities.
CHEA leverages tourism as an economic driver for fueling local businesses, creating job opportunities, and driving tourists to underserved communities for rich, authentic cultural experiences.
Stephanie M. Jones, MBA, Founder & CEO
1717 K STREET NW, STE 900, WASHINGTON, DC 20006 | OFFICE: 202.991.9600
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